Sunday, 26 February 2012

Types Of Focus

I have researched the different types of focus’s that can be changed to make the image look different.

Deep Focus: A photographic and cinematographic technique using a large depth of field. The foreground, middle ground and background are all focus in an image.

I have chosen this image of a swimming pool as an example of deep focus photography as in the image you are able to see the large depth of field of the image as the foreground, middle ground and background are not blurred out and is clear to see everything in shot of the image.

Shallow Focus: A photographic and cinematographic technique is showing a small depth of field. This shows that the main image in the photograph is in focus and the rest is out of focus.

I have chosen this image as an example of shallow focus as the main object of this photo is the baby’s foot and the hands that are holding it. As it gets to the background of the image it becomes blur and out of focus, but are able to still tell that the background is of a baby.

Soft Focus - Soft focus is a lens flaw, in which the lens forms images that are blurred due to spherical aberration.

I have chosen this image as an example of a soft focus photograph of these flowers as it shows the full image blurred but you are still able to see what the the picture is.

Out of Focus - When the whole image is blurred and out of focus.

I have chose this image as an example of a out of focus photograph as the full image is out of focus which when look at the image they look as though they could be of lights.

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